Wednesday, 20 August 2008

Finally - exercise

Two girls
One footy oval
1 hour of bitching about labs
alternate laps of walking fast and jogging (at the start)
More bitching

7 laps (yes mousie, I sat and recalled)

=twitchy legs and tired sleepy Lab Goddess

Monday, 18 August 2008


Just read this comic and had a giggle. I had to share:

Saturday, 16 August 2008

One day at a time

Its been coming a while now, but more and more - I find myself craving a healthier lifestyle. I don't exercise (gymwise) except to take my dog for long walks, and walk everywhere instead of driving. When I use public transport, I always get off early so I have further to walk. I wouldn't say I'm an unhealthy weight, in fact - I wouldn't want to lose weight kilo-wise. Maybe just gain some muscle...I find that the hardest thing for me is the motivation to go out for a run when I've just come home from the lab around 6:30 or 7, when its cold and dark and rapist-friendliesh. Is that even a word?

Anyway, I think I need to work on motivation. Get my arse moving so to speak. Maybe I could try getting up early? This fiendish melbourne weather is not very conducive to Sheri-getting-her-arse-moving. Or maybe I'm just looking for excuses.

Another thing I need to change is my diet. I don't have an unhealthy diet..most of my plate is usually steamed veggies, and I limit my fast food intake. Of course, the caffeine loaded sugar bombs also known as my daily 5 coffees don't help, but I've cut down from 2 spoons of sugar to 1/2, so I'm working on that! But the one that 2 things I can't seem to give up/decrease intake of are chocolate and cheese. My Achilles heel(s?)

Any tips and tricks appreciated. Detailed guides on "Mind over Cheese" will also be accepted

Wednesday, 13 August 2008

Jason Mraz - so fuckin fantastic

I've been a J-Mraz fan for ages, and its great to see that he's catching on, and becoming popular. Except for the fact that now I can't buy tickets to his shows in melbourne because they sell out so fast. :(

Just got his new album though - We Sing, We Dance, We steal things, and after listening to it a few times, I have to say its awesome! Go JM!

My health check went fine - I had to undress three times though. You'd think they'd stream line everything so you'd only have to undress once. Sigh. Now the waiting. Might be a month to three months before I get an outcome. EEK

Tuesday, 12 August 2008

Henna on my hair

As above. I keep dripping everywhere. Too much coconut oil I think. Hopefully when I wash it off tomorrow morning, my hair is luscious and stuff.

Sunday, 10 August 2008


because tomorrow I need to go hand in my visa application. I hope australia lets me stay. I'm ever so good.

I just bought this Tim O'Connor dress. Any styling suggestions?

Thursday, 7 August 2008

Improv - it rocks

Monday, 4 August 2008

New shoes!

A few weeks ago the director (hereafter referred to as "D") came into my cubicle and asked me if I would mind accompanying her to a schmoozy luncheon as the token student. Of course I agreed. 5 course gourmet meal, the chance to meet some of the most generous donors to our area of research? Dressing up!?!?! yes, Yes, YES!

So last Friday, the two of us got into D's enviro friendly Prius and started making our way to the city, and our Collins street venue. D had reminded me the night before "No short skirts S! And remember to impress!", so of course I ran off to the shops after work to find something lunch appropriate. I found the perfect office dress at target (haha again yes I know) - a puff sleeved scoop necked affair, in a tweed like material, fully lined, below the knee (!!), demure looking self coloured bow belt, and most importantly, it fit like it was made for me. No pics I'm afraid - you'll realise why soon.

Anyway, I ended up wearing the dress with a black snug sheer knit skivvy underneath, black 70denier stockings with polka dots, black mary jane wedges and a classic black winter coat with waist tie. Lunch was a success, and I had the most divine sweet potato and relish entrée ever! Helps when the chairman hosting the lunch runs a billion dollar company ;)

After lunch, me and D decided that it was too late to bother going back to work (was 3:15), so we went shopping! Not together of course - I don't think I can afford the places she shops at. I didn't even expect to find anything - was just killing time till 5, I had a 30th to get to in Balaclava/Chapel St - when I found them.

mmm. I think I'm in love. again. Although I need ideas other than black opaques so I don't end up looking stumpy legged. Any suggestions?

After that, I caught the train to Balaclava, was walking down the ramp from the station when I skidded! Cobbled ramps and high heels do not mix. I fell on my knees, ripped my stockings, and bled a bit on the lining of my pretty new dress (which is now being dry cleaned :( I suck at getting blood stains out). The rest of the night thankfully went off well, although I ended up having a very early night

Today, D told me that she and the chairman were really impressed with me (yay) and that one of the major donors was very keen on talking to me again (yayyay!)

good start to week. considering I did sfa today. yay for birthday morning tea and lunch. (not mine)